Sunday, November 3, 2013

Geeze. Leave for awhile and see what changes

OK, I have to say it.

I'm not as happy with long format blogging as I once was.

I have other venues that target my areas of interest. And the audience here is not active or supportive.

But I'll keep the virtual door open. A few friends still maintain active accounts with content they cannot share elsewhere.

That is all for now.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Been nearly six months or so

... since I bothered to make an effort to do anything with this blog. I'm just too accustomed to my LJ account and do so little with my Google related resources. I must resolve to do more here, even if it is cross-posting from my other blogs.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The things I forget

Damn, this summer has brought me down. I must be aging due to the hot weather.

It has been difficult coming up with worthy posts for any of my weblogs. Even harder when I begin to forget that I have so many of the bloody things.

Oh well. I won't go into politics or religion at any depth. Neither are worthy of the energy or effort, and have been driven into the digital ground deep enough.

My computers, which are my livelihood, are working well enough. Some software updates have produced odd responses after applying them. Granted the oddities could be server end issues due to the fact that the apps were looking at remote content on the web. The most important components are working well enough.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Let's talk iPhone

My apologies for not keeping up with this (or any other) of my weblogs. Living in interesting times demands much of my attention.

A few days ago, one of the finest examples of hype and cool hit the counters of Apple Stores and AT&T retail shops.

The Apple iPhone is now one of the fastest selling smart phones ever released, selling over 700,000 in three days, beating the nearest rival which took months to reach that benchmark.

Granted that the iPhone is a work in progress. Much like the very first Macintosh 128 or first generation iPod (with a now tiny 5 gigabyte hard drive), the iPhone is missing a number of functions that other devices already offer. And the resistance of many corporations from accepting the iPhone in their given company environments will hurt some sales.

But the demand shows that there is a desire for a different kind of multi-function smart phone/web browser/e-mail client/camera/Google device. And some of the software shortcomings will be resolved over the next few months, along with newer and better version of the phone that shook the world.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Long time, no post.

Been a fairly mundane month. Tons of real world demands and broken items needing repair.

Trying hard not to immerse myself in the web and the many wonders it holds.

Trying harder not to watch the news. Makes me ill every time I turn on the TV.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Too tired for words

Well, a nasty cold is circulating among the population of my community. Pity is, so many folks are out walking about spreading this nasty cough about. The nice thing about such distribution is that the air works as a vector. Since I tend to remain out of the general public due to my work schedule, I tend to limit my exposure to colds and flu. That, along with washing my hands and such.

I was unable to travel to California to attend a convention over the weekend. Between the travel time and related costs for fuel and accommodations, I felt that I should reserve my budget for ComicCon later in the year. Adding the nasty cold going around only adds one more point in my reasons to be glad I did not expose myself to the risks of the journey.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Nothing of interest

One would believe that something of interest would have occurred in my world this week. So far, I have to say that I'm drawing blanks.

Since it is tax season, I am preparing my business documents for the professional I've trusted for almost ten years now. Given that the ten years of service has kept me free from review from the IRS and state, and obtaining every advantage legally available, it is time and money invested wisely.

The weather has been typical of Winter locally. Despite the weak El NiƱo, the local weather has been fair to the community I live in. No new records were set for cold or snow. In fact, it has been an average season. But I never turn my back on the possibilities.